Hals och haka

Operationen utförs genom munhålan och lämnar inga synliga ärr. Främst underliggande benstruktur redeceras med en pneumatisk mejsel. Mjukdelarna omformas efter behov. Denna operationsteknik är utvecklad på och unik för Lidingö-kliniken.



Igor Niechajev, M.D., Ph.D.
Lidingö-kliniken, Stockholm

As it is with the nose, the chin shapes present great variability. Unlike the nose, the chin diversity often is left unnoticed. This is probably because the chin does not carry the emotional importance of the nose. Evaluating patients profile surgeons usually note the chin projection, but will rarelly delve deeper beyond that. Chin augmentation is one of the more frequent plastic surgical procedures. There are a quite many individuals with macrogenia, who would aesthetically benefit from the corrective surgery, but in contrary to augmentation, the chin reduction is seldom offered. The reason for this is the lack of experience, lack of the technical equipment necessary, or sometimes lack of knowledge.

Dr. Barry Zide is an american expert on the chin anatomy and surgery and he uses burring technique for the reducion of the mandible. The author employs since 1994 the pneumatic chisel for this purpose, which he thinks is more effective. Other procedures improving aesthetic appearance of the chin region, such as dermabrasion, submental liposuction and chin augmentation with the Medpor implant are well known and in this presentation will be given only brief attention.. Over 25 patients with macrogenia had their chins modulated at Lidingö-clinc by the author. All operations were carried out under the dissociative and local anaesthesia and on the out-patient basis. Surgical anatomy of the chin including mandibular protrussion, the mental nerve, the mentalis muscle, chin fat pad, labio-mental crease and tilt or the lack of tilt of the lower lip is rewieved. Indications for and the technique of chin reduction through the intraoral and submental aproach will be presented. As the clinical examples will show, skilfull chin reduction surgery is safe, aesthetic improvement could be quite spectacular, and it is very rewarding for the patients.